LineTech Industries, Inc.

April 2007:
LineTech Industries delivers multiple Pillgrade systems to the world's premier global testing services company.

Janaury 2007:
LineTech Industries installs three bobbin inspection systems at the largest cotton spinning plant in the US.

March 2006:
LineTech Industries delivers the first LabGrade system to a major US textile manufacturer.

October 2005:
LineTech Industries delivers a PillGrade system to its first major retailer customer.

November 2004:
LineTech Industries enters into a distributor agreement with SDL-Atlas, the world's premier textile laboratory equipment distributor, for the PillGrade System.

February 2004:
LineTech Industries installs the world's first complete bobbin inspection system to operate using a single camera at a US fiberglass yarn production plant.

October 2003:
LineTech exhibits at ITMA-2003 in Birmingham, UK, the premier international textile machinery trade show held every four years. On display are the Pillgrade Pilling Grading System and the PIXLColor Color Measurement System.

July 2003:
LineTech delivers the first patent-pending PillGrade Pilling Grading System to a major US textile manufacturer.

December 2002:
LineTech delivers a PIXL vision inspection system to a leading US spun yarn manufacturer.

August 2002:
LineTech delivers an image analysis system to the carpet sector of the textile industry.

July 2002:
For the first time, LineTech exports a textile image analysis system overseas.

May 2002:
LineTech exhibits at the Fiber Producer Conference & Exposition in Greenville, SC, resulting in orders to the fiber producer sector of the textile industry.

October 2000:
LineTech introduces its patented broken filament, loop, and overthrow detection technologies at ATME-I 2000 in Greenville, SC, resulting in LineTech's first major orders.

August 1998:
LineTech Industries, incorporated in New York and  begins development of a wide assortment of image analysis platforms, algorithms, and lighting modules specifically for the textile industry.